The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana organises an international conference biannually to discuss ways to expand the consortium internationally. Partners and Members globally travel far and near to witness this great opportunity of sharing ideas on how the industry can be advanced through science and technology. The establishment of CARLIGH is founded on the need to assist institutions in Ghana to gain access to a wide variety of scientific, academic and research knowledge from electronic databases.
The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana, a non-profit association, with the purpose of ensuring a continued availability of library and information resources.
The name of the consortium shall be Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana, hereinafter referred to as CARLIGH or the “Consortium”.
The Secretariat shall be located at the Institute for Technological Information (INSTI), CSIR, Accra
To optimise the shared use of the resources of member institutions and to exchange scholarly library and information services on a more formal basis within the network.
The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana (CARLIGH) was founded in 2004 to provide access to online resources and training for members.
To be a centre of excellence in providing recorded knowledge in all formats, for teaching, learning and research activities in Ghana.
To employ collective information resources, technology and staff capabilities to improve teaching, learning and research including life long learning in member institutions and by extension in Ghana.
One of the major objectives of CARLIGH is the development of staff in member institutions. We do this through a range of training programmes, which are organized both as interactive face-to-face events, and recently via online courses.